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Increase your Sales with Ticket Bundles!

Writer's picture: Lucie TongelováLucie Tongelová

We've launched another feature that will shoot your event into space. As part of the event, you can create ticket bundles and bundles+, where you combine different types of tickets, services, or products. You will find out what is the difference between them, how to create them, and why they are great right away.👇

Why are the bundles great?

As we know, people like to shop at a discounted price. If they see that they can get a better deal within the bundles, it will make them more likely to purchase. They also often buy products or services that they were not originally interested in. The bundle is concise and contains all the necessary information so that the visitor can find his way around it. Of course, you sell some services (showers, refreshments) at the event itself, but finances are certainly useful even before the event. In addition, there will be no unnecessary queues for payment.

With the bundle+, the visitor has the freedom to choose and thus gets everything he needs. And sometimes also something extra. And you, as the organizer, look like a real pro, because the system is user-friendly and more elegant than if visitors buy everything individually.

What are these bundles?

Each event offers visitors a choice to buy individual types of tickets and other products, e.g. "Basic admission" or "Parking". Visitors can simply select their ticket type and purchase it at the given price.

But what if I want to allow the visitor to buy more things at once and get them at a better price? So I create a bundle from already existing tickets and set it up to my liking.

These bundles are static, meaning you determine what visitors choose and it doesn't change, unlike the + bundles we'll talk about later.

Examples of bundles

  • 2+1 free ticket

  • Ticket+parking fee+camping

  • VIP ticket + VIP camping

  • Ticket+t-shirt+drink

  • Parking fee + shower

  • Two-day ticket + glamping

How to create bundles?

After the basic creation of the event, you will get to the Event Detail, where a purple exclamation mark will appear on the button for tickets. It is there because the event can only be published after adding tickets or other products.

Before creating them, you need to activate this service in the Apps and Services section in the Workspace for 2€/month. You can only create bundles after adding individual tickets or products to choose from. Here's a simple guide on how to create them:

And this is how your visitor will see the bundle:

What about bundle+?

Bundles are suitable for organizers who have a more limited number of ticket and product options, while bundles+ are for those who offer more options to visitors and don't want people to get lost.

This is where you create product categories that visitors can choose from themselves. After clicking on the given packages and their categories, the visitor determines his own purchase.

Check out our example :

And this is how the visitor will see it:

If you want to sell only packages and hide individual tickets, you can do so in Tickets & products overview, after clicking on the three dots next to individual ticket types.

So come and try creating packages and packages+ and let us know what you think about them,. Take a look at our other articles on the blog for more information about our services, or go directly on the BOOM Events website 🙂

We got you covered, thanks! 🙌

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